Version 1.6 UPDATE - Errata Fiction

There comes a time in a gamer's life when he puts aside childish things.  Childish things like ERRATA.  Today we have exterminated what I believe to be the last errors in Enter the Dismal Armory.  It's truly the end of an errata-er, end of an era.


Future downloads will be the updated version, so please use this new one if you haven't played yet.

I've sent the sequel to my Fun Reader, Amelia. She's kinda like a proofreader except she reads my stuff to make sure it's fun.  Keep an eye out for that.

Also, I'm doing a Livestream for the Wasteland Degenerates: Jumper Cable Edition campaign tonight at 7 PM Central US time.  I'll answer any questions about Dismal Armory there as well.


Enter the Dismal Armory 1.8 MB
4 days ago
WastelandDegenerates_SHEET-early.jpg 10 MB
4 days ago

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